Lake Mac Church is part of Southlakes Christian Education, for information regarding the curriculum currently in use please refer to the appropriate page on their website here.
For further information about our SRE programs or to ask questions please contact Rob Warner at
At the beginning of each calendar year all curriculum will be reviewed for suitability by the Lake Mac Church SRE Co-ordinator.
Process for authorisation of an SRE teacher:
Complete Safe Ministry Training:
Lake Mac Church requires their SRE teachers tom complete the online course that’s found at as part of their initial training.
Complete the Lake Mac Church Ministry application form.
Have their WWC number “cleared” by church.
Read the Lake Mac Church Code of Conduct for Working with Children and Youth.
Meet with the Church SRE Co-ordinator to read and understand the ‘Lake Mac Church – SRE Teacher Handbook’, to understand Safe Ministry in an SRE context.
Initial Training:
Work through the ‘Lake Mac Church – SRE Teachers Handbook’ to cover topics such as SRE background, the SRE teacher’s role, the curriculum scope and sequence, Department of education code of conduct & social media policy, classroom management and use of technology.
All SRE teachers are to complete (or at least commence) SRE accreditation training, typically each year one of the churches from Southlakes Christian Education will host God Space training (see:
Meet with the Church SRE Co-ordinator to review the teacher’s understanding of the content of the SRE Teacher Handbook.
Ongoing training:
General kids ministry training for all kids ministry workers (including SRE).
Participation in training events run by Southlakes Christian Education, including SRE accreditation training.
Annual teaching review, via classroom observation.
To renew authorisation:
The Church SRE co-ordinator will confirm that the WWC clearance is still valid.
The SRE teacher will re- read the Lake Mac Church Code of Conduct for working with Children/ Youth
Meet with the Church SRE Co-ordinator to review the teacher’s understanding of the content of the SRE Teacher Handbook.
Complaints process:
If a parent has a concern or question about SRE they are best to approach their child’s classroom teacher.
The Classroom teacher will then contact the SRE teacher or Protestant SRE Co-ordinator to discuss the complaint.
If the complaint can be easily resolved the classroom teacher will inform the parent of the resolution. The SRE teacher informs the Lake Mac Church SRE Co-ordinator of the complaint and its resolution. If possible it is best that this be done within 7 days.
If the complaint cannot be easily resolved, the SRE teacher will contact the School Protestant SRE Co-ordinator and the Lake Mac Church SRE Co-ordinator to seek advise. This must be done within 48 hours. It is expected that steps be taken towards resolving the complaint within 7 days.
If you’d like to get in touch with the SRE co-ordinator from Lake Mac Church directly you can email at
This page will be reviewed annually.
Last reviewed: 23rd of Jan 2025.